Sponsor Us

Solis is a student-led group for women and gender minorities in plasma science and fusion energy research at UW-Madison.

Our mission is twofold. We aim to:

  • share our passion for plasma science and fusion through public engagement, and particularly to inspire younger women and gender minorities in STEM via educational outreach
  • improve retention of women and gender minorities in the field by fostering a community that supports and promotes them, both at UW-Madison and in the field as a whole

You can sponsor Solis!

We set up plasma-themed discovery stations at many outreach events. We guide students through building motors and spectroscopic tubes to explore topics such as the Lorentz force and spectroscopy.  Students are then allowed to take these kits home with them so they can show their families!

As a result, each community engagement event requires new supplies and sponsorship.

Wisconsin Science Festival

  • October 16-22, 2023; 3-4 hours/event
  • Estimated reach: ~1000 people

Supplies needed per event

  • JxB electric motor ($2.47/kit)
  • Spectroscopic tube ($1.73/kit)
  • Estimated cost: 50 kits per expo x ($2.47 + $1.73) = $210/event

U.S. Women in Nuclear Conference

  • July 22-25, 2024
  • Pittsburgh, PA
  • Opportunity for Solis members to network
  • Estimated cost: $1,635/person (covers airfare, lodging, and meals)

Miscellaneous group operating costs: $300

  • Includes plasma demo materials for future public engagement events

Teacher’s Day at APS-DPP Conference

  • Week of October 30, 2023
  • One 90-minute workshop
  • Estimated reach: ~40 teachers

Supplies needed

  • JxB electric motor ($2.47/kit)
  • Estimated cost: 40 kits x $2.47 = ~$100

Celebrating Women and Gender Diversity in Nuclear Science Seminar Series

  • 2-3 speakers every Fall semester
  • Opportunity for Solis members to meet scientists working to further women and gender minorities in the field
  • Estimated cost: $1700/speaker (covers flight, hotel, honorarium, and lunch with students)

Sponsoring Solis activities would present an opportunity to advertise your organization on any outreach/advertising materials used!

Please contact Solis at solis.uw@gmail.com and/or Professor Stephanie Diem at sjdiem@wisc.edu if you are interested in supporting us!

"Even if we're talking about things that are hard to talk about, it's always a safe space. We're all coming to this group with the same mindset of, 'We want and need this community, so we're going to build it together.'" - Louise Ferris